Sunday, April 14, 2013

Liberal Hypocrisy: The Lies That Build the Pillars of Liberal Thought

After reading several different news stories this week that focused on the repercussions suffered by people who made some kind of comment about gay marriage, homosexuals in general, or the “transgender”, I decided it was time to discuss the hypocrisy of liberalism.  Two things liberals tend to express pride in are open-mindedness and tolerance.  Apparently, in the mind of a liberal, tolerance and open-minded thinking are the paths to a better society. 

The firth thing to note is that both of these so called virtues are LIES.  A liberal is not open-minded.  Rather, liberals only accept ideas that coincide with their views.  If a person has a view that takes an objective and authoritative stance against the liberal’s view, then the liberal will reject that view without so much as listening to an argument.  It is impossible to reason with a liberal because they are closed off to the every view opposed to theirs.  No rational argument can be made to defend abortion, yet it is common place now and the liberal will never listen to the logical and rational arguments that completely decimate any defense of abortion (check out this blog for some articles on abortion: Shameless Popery).  However, rather than go into all the political areas where the liberals fail to have a valid defense, the point of this is to say that the liberal rejects certain views whole heartedly without argument or justification.  This means, that the trumpeted open-mindedness is actually a farce.  Liberals are actually opposed to views against their own and hence they are close-minded in reality, because they are not really willing to listen or even process arguments.  If they were, liberalism would have faded away long ago because it has the most irrational and illogical defenses possible (As I discussed in another article, Bad Argument, Good Strategy: The Success of Liberalism in America).

Tolerance, the other pillar of liberalism, is just as much a lie as the open-minded claim of the liberal.  Have you seen how liberals treat people that are opposed to their views?  Look at Dana White from the UFC suspending a fighter indefinitely for his comments about a transgender fighter (Read here).  Liberal mayors fought against allowing Chick-Fill-A restaurants in their towns because the CEO of the chain is opposed to same-sex marriage (Read here).  When boxer Manny Pacquiao spoke out against homosexuality, a Hollywood mall banned him over his comments (Read here).  The liberal DOES NOT tolerate views that they deem as intolerant.  Instead, the liberal works hard to silence every other view in order to have only their views remain.  It is the liberal ideal to have all in agreement with liberal views, not to have all live in harmony with opposing views.  Speaking out against same-sex relationships is enough to get a person fired, banned, and prevented from opening a private business in their cities.  This is complete intolerance of others rather than tolerance.

Despite the obvious errors of their positions, liberals will still run around trumpeting the ideals of open-mindedness and tolerance so don't be fooled by it.  The only thing the liberal tolerates is people who hold the same beliefs as them. 

Side note:

A quick side analysis of open-minded and close-minded.

First, technically speaking there is no difference between open-minded and close-minded. By claiming to be open-minded you are suggesting that you are more open to ideas than not. Close-minded is simply being open to far less ideas. Both are being open to some and closed to others. Now the real problem is that mathematically speaking they're both equal (which is why I say, technically speaking there is no difference).

If we say:

The open-minded are open to 95% of the views and ideas. Meaning they are willing to at least consider them and process them.

The close-minded are open to 5% of the views and ideas. Meaning they will not consider or process the other 95% of ideas.

Because there is an infinite number of ideas, opinions, positions, and propositions we could say that open-minded people are open to 95% of infinity and closed-minded people are open to 5% of infinity. Because they are both ratios in terms of infinity they are both undefined and are therefore equal.  Ratios of infinity are complete irrational and incomparable mathematically.

So the open-minded tag to define the liberal thinking is irrelevant.  Only in terms of a finite list of ideas, opinions, positions, and propositions can there be a distinction. This makes the whole claim of open-minded and close-minded seem rather pointless - just a thought.