Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bad Argument, Good Strategy: The Success of Liberalism in America

 Watching the news this morning was frustrating.  The news has one goal, pushing liberalism on people, and it shows.  If a conservative is on the show, they're actually a liberal that might hold to one conservative view.  The pastors they bring on are of two varieties: liberal or radical beyond rational thought.  Every opportunity is taken to add degrading statements about conservative thought.  The news is guilty of not offering better arguments against a conservative view but rather trying to make conservative views look foolish without presenting any argument.  Whether it be the choice of words used when presenting stories, or the so called "conservatives" they have on the show.

That is the funny thing about liberalism - its take over of the U.S. society has not been because of better arguments but rather by manipulation.  Essentially America is being driven through liberal schools, television, news programs, movies, and magazines.  The church in the U.S. has become secularized simply due to each generation being more and more influenced by those different outlets.  Has better Biblical scholarship really been discovered to change the church? No, rather it is the power of influence from controlling every major outlet of information.  Of course the church is at fault for letting such power be acquired without even attempting to have a voice in it, but nevertheless the decline is a demonstration of the power of influence and not of logical argument.

Liberalism is an emotion driven movement.  It focuses on trying to make people feel as if they are missing something and that "something" is keeping them from obtaining happiness.  True conservatism is based on objective moral standards.  True liberalism is based on subjective moral standards.  If there is any doubt that liberalism is irrational and emotional, one need only look at the issue of abortion to see how unreasonable liberalism truly is.  But even in the matter of abortion, the church has failed to take a solid stand (outside of the Catholic church of course).  By becoming part of the subjective moral movement, the protestant church has lost the foundational difference between secular society and religious society - objective moral standards.

Where is the rational thinker like G.K. Chesterton and where are the pastors like A.W. Tozer?  They're being drowned out and thrown out of the churches because they think rationally.  The irrational liberal movement has penetrated the inner circles of protestant strongholds and rational, logical, and intelligent thought is not only the enemy of the state, but also of the enemy of the church.  On this Easter Sunday, it appears to me, more than ever, that this country is in danger.

Happy Easter...

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