Thursday, April 18, 2013

In the Face of Tragedy, Unity

It has been a tough week for America.  Earlier in the week we had the Boston bombings and then we had the explosion of the fertilizer plant in Texas.  What amazes me about America is that it always seems to come together after tragedies.  Right now we have one of the most polarized divisions in the history of the United States and there doesn't seem to be an end to it in sight.  However, after the bombings there was a moment where you could see what makes this country so amazing.  It was in this moment where the people seemed to stand up and say, “We will not be defeated!  And that is the mentality that seems to only come in the face of grave tragedies.

Now, I’m not going to take the liberal stance and say things should always be that way and that we should just hold hug and move on.  There is real division and it comes over a passion to drive this country toward continued greatness.  A true conservative doesn’t admire Europe and doesn’t look to the government to make the country better – a true conservative looks to the people living here.  Conservatives fight against liberal ideals with such aggression because they refuse to become something other than what this country is.  This country was not build on a defeatist attitude, but rather through drive and passion to never lie down until the battle was won.  When tragedies, like the ones from this week, happen, it seems there is a moment where the entire country remembers that drive and passion and unites – but it is only for a moment.

I wonder though how long this response will keep up.  When will the defeatist attitude of liberalism win out and leave our country surrendering after a tragedy rather than fighting?  The pursuit of liberalism weakens this nation.  President Obama is the weakest president to lead this country in years.  He is ignorant and dangerous because he is willing to surrender the United States.  Now, I don’t mean in the literal sense, but rather that with each bill, each tax, each agenda he fights for, the president demonstrates that he is willing to give away the rights and freedoms of the people to secure government power.  He holds to no values and instead is willing to compromise to make happy but with no ultimate goal in mind. I do have my doubts that he would be willing to fight on in the face of defeat, but that’s only speculation.  The point is, if we as people are willing to give up our money, our guns, our rights, and our freedoms, I wonder if we will still stand as a country in the face of tragedy and shout, “WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!  Is the country at risk for becoming a country of surrender?

The divisions in this country and the strong beliefs need to keep empowering people to fight the battle.  It should drive people to fight on because they care so deeply about the future of the nation.  I fear that as we decide to make sacrifices in order to be united, this country will learn to give up rather than to fight on.  Passion, beliefs, and values need to continue to motivate people to be active and engaged in the shaping of this country.  In spite of the obvious corruption throughout government; in spite of the weakness of our president; in spite of the overwhelming feeling that this country is lost, people must fight on.  When we give up the fight for what we believe in, then we as a nation failed.  This current polarization being experienced is because there is still such a passion for this country and a desire to make it remain great.  However, because the vision for the future of this country comes from such a weak leader, there is a great schism that is created and the desire for a great country becomes something to divide on rather than to unite around.  Strong leaders unite people around a vision and weak leaders create rifts among the people, only drawing people that share their same values.  Unfortunately, it seems that the only time this country will unite under our current leader is under circumstances of tragedy because our president is a weak leader. 

The good news is I think these tragedies show that this country still can unite.  However, we face a crossroads now that will determine the future: do we continue down the path of surrender or do we stand together in the path of conquering.  This country is in desperate need of a good leader with a strong vision.  I do not see one coming any time soon though, from the liberals or the conservatives.  So now it is up to the people of this country to make sure we stay strong.  It is up to the people to fight on. 

Remember the fallen in these tragedies and pray for their families.