Saturday, June 8, 2013

Government Scandals and Complacent Citizens

The past few weeks have revealed several scandals that are making their way through government right now.  What's astonishing is the complete lack of liberal attention.  One would think that when the government starts to abuse its power to intimidate and harass people of a certain view (the IRS scandal) that would be enough to make people doubt government.  With the release of the information about the government being involved in huge amounts of data mining on U.S. citizens living within the U.S. people should have erupted in an uproar, but they haven't.  Obama said it's about protecting the citizens from terrorists, but with how the abuse of power within the IRS came, I personally wonder what Obama’s idea of a terrorist is.  After all, this is the same president that refused to call radical Islamic extremists, terrorists.

Unfortunately, the lack of an uproar around these scandals shows the effectiveness of liberal brainwashing.  The schools have made people believe in government, the media has defended government at every turn, and the movies (and their pathetically crazy stars) all spread liberal ideals.  When government turns on the people, the people sit still because somehow they believe the lies in spite of the obvious evidence to the contrary, it shows that slowly the liberal message has began to penetrate deep into the lives of Americans.  Even if you could possibly rationalize and somehow show logically that current power grabs and oppression of government are perfectly fine, do you think you could make the next leap to say that after they've gone this far they won't go any further?  Where people fail to be outraged the government will press forward.  Governments ALWAYS try to increase their power and maintain their power, and when people don't demand the government to abide by their terms, the government will demand the people to abide by the government's terms

Complacency is a real threat to the American people.  By the time government pushes to an extent that outrages ALL the people, it will be too late to stop the government.  Liberals need to wake up! These aren’t just attacks on conservatives; these are advances on all Americans.   Unfortunately the Christians in this country won’t react unless it directly impacts them and their reactions will be minimal because they’ve bought the liberal lies that Christianity should not be part of government.  The liberals won’t react because they believe in government and love taking away from others to give to themselves.  Conservatives will react but with only a minimal reaction because of the divide in beliefs – where some so called conservatives have believed the liberal lies and really are doubting conservativism, others are trying to appeal to the liberals for fear of being ostracized, and therefore the few that speak out will be drowned out as extremists. 

Obama and his administration are dirty and oppressive.  They've attacked the rights of Americans and expanded the power of government.  Astonishingly, they are the people that have released the documents showing what they're doing (mostly to push other scandals out of American minds) AND yet people still somehow believe the liar.  Obama’s entire administration and the liberals in the senate (I include worthless John McCain as a liberal and his fellow worthless democrats with a republican tag) need to be cast out.  The IRS should be shut down permanently and we should begin a path of a true republic.

In one sense, this all sounds extreme.  It seems like an overreaction of sorts, but then I realize what is taking place and how silence is looked at as acceptance.  With that in view, understanding that government agencies are striking out to silence conservative groups through the IRS and that the same government was trying to get names and addresses of people with views against liberalism (and that were supporting these conservative ideals with donations), I know this government has stretched too far.  Take into account the retrieval of phone records, the collection of all data related to the internet usage of American citizens, and the looking to expand toward drone usage on American citizens living in the United States if the government deems them a terrorist, and I think the view becomes a little less extreme.  Maybe it isn't full blown big brother at this moment, but if we don't try to protect our privacy and freedoms now, it will not be long before it is.

Conservatives need to be intelligent and act on THEIR ideals instead of acting in a manner in which they think the liberals will approve or at least give the least resistance.  There shouldn't even need to be a debate about big government and how dangerous it is at this point, given the recent events, but people remain unconvinced.  I believe it's time to sound extreme, but at the same time we need to educate people on our view so they realize how down to earth and relevant it truly is.  If people are shocked, that is fine, but if we don't speak out and we don't try to educate the American people that is unacceptable.  I fear America will give up due to complacency and ignorance, but I hope Americans can still rise up like they have in the past and show what makes this country great – and prove me wrong.