Monday, May 13, 2013

The Indifferent Christian: Destroying Christianity from Within

I have been thinking about the idea of same-sex marriage and why it has been so successful within the Christian church.  It's interesting that it has gained ground within the church at unprecedented speeds.  I feel it shows a symptom of a massive problem within the church.  There are two primary reasons for this growth of an anti-Biblical, morally wrong, view:
  •          Indifference, because the person associates gay marriage as an individual decision and irrelevant to the church.
  •          Relativism, because the person believes that religion is supposed to lead us to happiness.
 The problem with indifference is that it allows liberalism to advance without opposition.  When Christians start ignoring issues due to a lack interest it drives liberalism.  Why? Because liberalism isn't indifferent and it continues to push anti-religious views at all times.  People that take no position are not playing neutral ground; in fact they are helping advance secularism.  The only thing that stands in the way of liberalism is conservatism. Christianity is by design, conservative.  It defines dogmas, doctrines, and moral laws that stand as a hedge against secular ideals.  Not only is the Christian supposed to defend conservatism, Christianity is supposed to push out into the rest of the world in an attempt to eliminate secularism.  Liberals advance secular ideals, trying to remove the hedge established by religion and eradicate religion.  Therefore, Christians need to sustain that barrier and offer a defense against the advance of liberalism. 
Indifference makes a Christian fail in their responsibility to share God with others.  Since the line is drawn in the Bible that a person is either for or against God, meaning there is no neutral ground to play, a Christian is commanded to go out into the secular world and share the word of God.  It is not in order to allow people to live how they want and believe in God, but rather to transform people and their way of life into a way that conforms to God.  This is what liberals hate – that Christians think others need to change.  However, Christians are not required to force the change, but rather to share the truth.  Changing things in a person's life is a matter of the individual submitting to the God and being obedient to Him.  It is not a matter of doing things to be religious, but rather believing (and therefore becoming religious) and THEN doing things as a result of that belief.  Each side is trying to conform the other, so don't be fooled, but the liberal does all things in the pursuit of the destruction of moral law and Christians share the message out of love and then the individual conforms because of their love for God and His moral law.
Liberalism tries to impose liberalism on everybody by putting down every other belief system.  It is not the liberal way to believe all views are equal and should be tolerated; in fact, true liberalism only wants to have people that embrace all the same liberal ideals.  Watch the liberals explode on a Christian about trying to impose their views on others, but then watch the same liberal talk about how Christians refuse to accept others.  It is obvious that not all views are tolerated because the liberal doesn't tolerate the Christian.  But they don't stop at condemning the Christian; liberals attempt to paint Christians as intolerant, oppressive, ignorant, and not belonging anywhere in the public circle.  The liberal assaults Christianity every opportunity they get and seek to silence the Christian voice from being heard.
So when the indifferent Christian comes along and offers no voice, then the only voice heard is liberalism and the liberal has achieved their goal.  Silence from Christians is the ultimate liberal goal and when they don't even have to work for it, Christianity fails and liberalism succeeds.  I know a lot of Christians have refused to vote or refused to speak out against political views because they believe that Christians shouldn't be in politics.  But the ignorance of this indifferent position is astounding!  If Christians aren't involved in politics and if Christians don't fight for a voice in the public arena, then liberalism wins without a fight.  There is no right to complain about the direction of the country, the problems of your government, or a law that limits religious freedom (like same-sex marriage), if you do not participate in trying to stop it.
My quote at the top of my blog from G.K. Chesterton states, “Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up” captures one side effect of indifference.  The more Christians don't offer a voice, the more barriers that were established to protect Christianity are torn down.  After all the fences are torn down because worthless Christians would not offer not opposition to the removal of these fences, then WE ARE GUILTY of the fall Christendom, not the liberal.  Indifferent Christians are responsible for the destruction Christianity, because by refusing to take a side, they actually surrendered to liberalism and its quest to silence the voice of Christian reason. 
The fences that were put up were done to protect the integrity of Christianity.  Being indifferent to these positions is the same as agreeing that they should be removed.  Christians have been indifferent long enough; the result of it can be seen in the watered down, irrelevant Christianity that takes no position that is different than the secular view of the liberal.  Divorce, abortion, same-sex marriage are all issues where too many Christians were indifferent and have resulted in a Christianity that is just as much secular as the society that we are supposed to change.