Saturday, March 30, 2013

I’m not gay, but some people I love are. Yet I still do NOT support same sex marriage!

 I’m opposed because:

1.Marriage is completely EQUAL right now. Homosexuals CAN marry, but they must follow the same rules as everybody else no matter what religion or race; they must marry somebody of the opposite sex. What they are asking for is inequality and NOT equality.

2.I value my freedom of religion more than another person’s ability to have sex with whomever they want with the blessing of society. Nobody is stopping homosexuals from having relationships or even having the state recognize the union (civil unions anybody?). The push for same sex marriage is for a complete blessing from all of society to try and alleviate any moral questions regarding their relationship. The push for same sex marriage directly impacts my ability to practice my religion and exercise its principals.

3.It is an unhealthy practice associated with all sorts of risks and problems. Unlike other activities that are associated with these risks, we ignore it and brush off the studies because they’re “religiously motivated” or because it’s sex, which Americans tend to associate with freedom. The impacts of these relationships nevertheless exist yet tend to be an indirect impact on the friends and acquaintances of practicing homosexuals. Numerous articles and studies show the statistics. This one article contains many sources and studies at the bottom and summarizes the findings:
4.The Bible is opposed to the practice of homosexuality. Anybody that claims to be a Bible scholar ,or wants to throw verses out there as if I somehow neglect other portions of the Bible, can try to challenge my position, but you will lose – no joke =) .

5.Even without the Bible and religion, I can say that homosexual practices weaken a species.
Weaken in two ways:
  • It ENCOURAGES relationships where people do not procreate leading to a decline in population (a trend that you don’t want in survival of the fittest mentality.) 
  • It leads to shorter life spans (yep, homosexual men tend to live 20 years less than heterosexual men – it’s an average so YES there are people that live even longer than heterosexual men, please understand how averages work).
So, IF survival of the fittest rules, then homosexuality doesn’t belong (terribly brutal sounding, good thing I’m not an atheist and forced to take this position). 
Random Notes:
Don’t say it will make them happy and they should have the right to be happy. No American has the right to be happy; we have the right to PURSUE happiness (think there was a similarly titled movie). And besides, how would we settle who gets to be happy? I’m happy without same sex marriage and somebody else says they’d be happy with it, who wins the happiness fight?

If you don’t like studies, don’t blame me. Instead, take some time and find me studies that show these studies to be wrong.

If you don’t believe me about the impact on religious freedom, take half a minute to go type in Google something along the lines of “Gay couple sues Christian” and see how many results come up.
Hey look, I just assumed you were too lazy and provided a link:

If you’re offended by this post – you’re an idiot.