Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mob Rule- The Liberal Plight

The tyranny of liberalism surfaced again this week.  After a regular court case, involving the now well-known George Zimmerman, we saw all the liberals come out in force.  Liberals, focused on two things: race and guns.  They are ready to overthrow our entire justice system and force somebody to suffer at the hands of a mob rather than watch our judicial system work.  I’m amazed at the level of ignorance of this generation.  Without any effort the liberals believed prohibiting same-sex marriage was being denied some kind of equal rights.  Liberals cheer every time a politician takes away guns from the people.  Now, liberals take to the streets, assaulting bystanders, blocking freeways, and holding protests.  Why? Because they didn’t get the verdict they wanted in a court case that has nothing to do with them.  Where was the uproar over the Supreme Court’s betrayal of our rights in the Obamacare ruling? Of course they don’t protest that, the liberals got what they wanted – more government power and less individual rights.   But when a man with a family, and clearly an absolute lack of evidence, isn’t convicted because there is REASONABLE doubt, these idiots protest.  Liberals should be ashamed of their stupidity, but they’re just too ignorant to even see the shame in their actions.

Let me be clear, Zimmerman is not my hero.  He doesn’t represent conservatives, he’s not a great hope, and he means nothing to me.  However, this country is important to me and the liberals destroying it are completely inept. We have a court system and we have laws.  The man was granted a trial with a juror of his peers and he was acquitted.  HOW DOES THAT IMPACT YOU OR ME?! It doesn’t.  There wasn’t chaos in the streets when O.J. Simpson was acquitted and there shouldn’t be anything now.  Or maybe the difference is because O.J. is a black man.  Is that the truth behind the matter?  Are all these liberals nothing but a bunch of racists who are so ignorant that they would abandon that which makes our country free and try to abolish our freedom through mob rule?  Apparently our president hopes so.  Because as the outrage began to fade and as the Zimmerman ruling started to not be the main headline, Obama made a point to hold a press conference on Friday and fan the flames of racism once again.  The messiah of liberalism does NOT in fact want unity, he wants mob rule with a strict divide.

Liberals are trying to force mob rule mentality down our legal system, trying to make the legal system bend to the will of people and abandon justice, due process, and protection from double jeopardy and our executive branch is HELPING!  Americans should be protesting LIBERALISM!  It is emotionalism run rampant and rational thought cannot stand with it.  These people are idiots. Liberals are joining hands to try to punish Zimmerman for that which he was acquitted of.  Trayvon Martin was not a saint!  Zimmerman is not a saint!  The justice system worked and because there WAS REASONABLE DOUBT the man was not found guilty.  Let it go liberals. This verdict has nothing to do with the thousands who are protesting; these people are just ignorant liberals, fueled by a biased media, and lead by the great ignorant leader Obama and his failed appointment Eric Holder.
Think for a minute, what do you want America to be?  Should we be free and let the system work (and this system was rigged AGAINST Zimmerman and yet there was still wasn’t enough evidence against him) or should we sentence and condemn people based on the feelings and emotions of a racist mob?  Protesters raided Wal-Mart, shut down freeways, beat innocent people while shouting, “This is for Trayvon!” (This is probably an accurate portrayal of what he would do, as Trayvon referred to himself as a “gangsta.”)   It seems the simplest explanation of all emotional ignorance is one thing – racism.  At the end of the day, the liberals have shown THEY are the racists and THEY are the simpletons, and THEY are party of ignorance and emotion is what they rule by and justice is nothing but what THEY FEEL should be done. 

As I said, Zimmerman is no hero of mine, but neither is Trayvon.  People should get over it and move on.  I suppose there isn’t much hope of that with the ignorant party running things and the most ignorant leader in charge of our country, but deep inside these people should know better.  Perhaps instead of listening to the liberals, they should listen to reason.